
Lanthar is a superstate formed by the merging of the smaller territories previously known as Garlaf and Likem, approximately 16 months after the conclusion of the Byzantium War. Lanthar is the largest of the three superpowers, with a huge industrial and economic base that rivals the Presagian dominance. However, as neither country was in a position to arm itself during the previous war, the Lanthar fleet was nearly non-existent. Purpose-designed and -built craft were rushed to completion in various Lantharian shipyards, but the brief window of weakness is a major part of why Martis struck pre-emptively at Lanthar at the start of the Lantharian War.

Lantharians are, in many ways, still overcoming the cultural, political and economic problems that were caused by the merging of two very different states. However, a great sense of kinship is developing between the citizens of the two ex-nations, with many acknowledging that in one or two generations the true Lantharians will come into their prime – remembering little of the time before, but looking forward to a bright new future as part of a country greater than the sum of its parts.

Lantharians use a hammer-and-sword as their national coat of arms. Lantharians use the old language of Thyrer as the official language, but in practice many use Sagrine in day-to-day life.

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